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Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Ap





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite(圖1)-速報App

Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite | Everyone experiences an occasional loss of appetite at some point of time. A reduced appetite, also known as anorexia, can be restored with natural remedies. If it lasts for more than a few days, you should always consult your physician as it could be a sign of an underlying health condition.

A poor appetite can stem from many factors. Perhaps the most common causes are emotional upset, nervousness, tension, anxiety, or depression. Stressful events, such as losing a job or a death in the family, can also make the appetite plummet. Diseases such as influenza and acute infections play a role in appetite reduction, as do anorexia nervosa and fatigue. Illegal and legal drugs, including amphetamines, antibiotics, cough and cold medications, codeine, morphine, and Demerol can take a toll on the appetite. Sometimes poor eating habits, such as continuous snacking, can lead to a poor appetite at mealtimes. A poor appetite can also be one symptom of a serious disease.

Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite(圖2)-速報App

Fortunately, for minor cases of poor appetite, this app is the best place to find home remedies to get the appetite back into gear.

Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite(圖3)-速報App

Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite(圖4)-速報App

Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite(圖5)-速報App

Home Remedies for Restoring a Healthy Appetite(圖6)-速報App